Friday 8 February 2013

APPSC Group 2 Previous Questions

1. The thickening of wall of artery is called—
(A) Aneurysm
(B) Arteriosclerosis
(C) Arthritis
(D) Both (A) and (C)

2. Lining of human intestine is—
(A) Ciliated
(B) Keratinized
(C) Brush border
(D) All the above

3. Which blood group has both 'a' and 'b' antibodies ?

Frequently asked questions in Group-2

1. Which of these is young folded mountain?
(A) The Himalayas
(B) The Vindhyas
(C) The Nilgiris
(D) The Western Ghats
Ans : (A)Folded-Mountains

2. Ankaleshwar is famous for—
(A) Gold mining
(B) Petrochemical Industry
(C) Manufacturing Industry
(D) Wheat producton
Ans :

What are the features of Indus Valley towns ?


The Indus Valley Civilization had its beginnings in Chalcolithic Age and had its maturity phase in Bronze Age. Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in the Harappa excavations of 1921 when Sir. John Marshall was the head of Archeological Survey

Science and Technology study material for APPSC Exams

What are the components of Communication Satellites ? Add a note on the uses of communication satellites.

Communication Satellites  are geostationary satellites orbiting the earth at 36ooo km above the equator. They provide four basic services -  Telecommunication, TV broadcasting, Radio broadcasting and Weather forecasting. They provide value added services like Data relay, Early warning system, Search

APPSC Group-1 Paper 3 study material

Introduction to Indian Economy

Indian Economy

It is a popular belief that Economics only deals with money. What we are going to learn in the next few days is that – the popular belief is false. Economics is about making choices in the presence of scarcity. Take a small example, you have 10,000 rupees in your hand

Indian Polity study material for APPSC Group-1

Accounts of the Government of India

Government accounts are kept in the following three parts:-


All revenues received by Government by way of taxation like income-tax, central excise, custom, land revenue (tax revenues) and other receipts flowing to Government in connection with the Government businesses like receipts from Railways, Posts, Transport etc. (non-tax revenues) are credited into the Consolidated Fund. Similarly, all loans raised by Government by issue of Public notifications, treasury bills