Thursday 7 February 2013

SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Study Guide Exam(310-065) Class-8

Other (Nonaccess) Class Modifiers

You can modify a class declaration using the keyword final, abstract, or strictfp. These modifiers are in addition to whatever access control is on the class, so you could, for example, declare a class as both public and final. But you can't always mix nonaccess modifiers. You're free to use strictfp in combination with final, for example, but you must never, ever, ever mark a class as both final and abstract. You'll see why in the next two sections.

You won't need to know how strictfp works, so we're focusing only on modifying a class as final or abstract. For the exam, you need to know only that strictfp is a keyword and can be used to modify a class or a method, but never a variable. Marking a class as strictfp means that any method code in the class will conform to the IEEE 754 standard rules for floating points. Without that modifier, floating points used in the methods might behave in a platform-dependent way. If you don't declare a class as strictfp, you can still get strictfp behavior on a method-by-method basis, by declaring a method as strictfp. If you don't know the IEEE 754 standard, now's not the time to learn it. You have, as we say, bigger fish to fry.

Final Classes  

When used in a class declaration, the final keyword meansthe class can't be subclassed. In other words, no other class can ever extend (inheritfrom) a final class, and any attempts to do so will give you a compiler error.

So why would you ever mark a class final? After all, doesn't that violate the whole object-oriented (OO) notion of inheritance? You should make a final class only if you need an absolute guarantee that none of the methods in that class will ever be overridden. If you're deeply dependent on the implementations of certain methods, then using final gives you the security that nobody can change the implementation out from under you.

You'll notice many classes in the Java core libraries are final. For example, the String class cannot be subclassed. Imagine the havoc if you couldn't guarantee how a String object would work on any given system your application is running on! If programmers were free to extend the String class (and thus substitute their new String subclass instances where java.lang.String instances are expected), civilization—as we know it—could collapse. So use final for safety, but only when you're certain that your final class has indeed said all that ever needs to be said in its methods. Marking a class final means, in essence, your class can't ever be improved upon, or even specialized, by another programmer.

A benefit of having nonfinal classes is this scenario: Imagine you find a problem with a method in a class you're using, but you don't have the source code. So you can't modify the source to improve the method, but you can extend the class and override the method in your new subclass, and substitute the subclass everywhere the original superclass is expected. If the class is final, though, then you're stuck.

Let's modify our Beverage example by placing the keyword final in the declaration:

package cert;
public final class Beverage {
public void importantMethod() { }

Now, if we try to compile the Tea subclass:

package exam.stuff;
import cert.Beverage;
class Tea extends Beverage { }

We get an error something like

Can't subclass final classes: class
cert.Beverage class Tea extends Beverage{
1 error

In practice, you'll almost never make a final class. A final class obliterates a key benefit of OO—extensibility. So unless you have a serious safety or security issue, assume that some day another programmer will need to extend your class. If you don't, the next programmer forced to maintain your code will hunt you down and <insert really scary thing>.

Abstract Classes

An abstract class can never be instantiated. Its sole purpose, mission in life, raison d'ĂȘtre, is to be extended (subclassed). (Note, however, that you can compile and execute an abstract class, as long as you don't try to make an instance of it.) Why make a class if you can't make objects out of it? Because the class might be just too, well, abstract. For example, imagine you have a class Car that has generic methods common to all vehicles. But you don't want anyone actually creating a generic, abstract Car object. How would they initialize its state? What color would it be? How many seats? Horsepower? All-wheel drive? Or more importantly, how would it behave? In other words, how would the methods be implemented?

No, you need programmers to instantiate actual car types such as BMWBoxster and SubaruOutback. We'll bet the Boxster owner will tell you his car does things the Subaru can do "only in its dreams." Take a look at the following abstract class:

abstract class Car {
private double price;
private String model;
private String year;
public abstract void goFast();
public abstract void goUpHill();
public abstract void impressNeighbors();
// Additional, important, and serious code goes here

The preceding code will compile fine. However, if you try to instantiate a Car in another body of code, you'll get a compiler error something like this: class Car is an abstract class. It can't be instantiated.
Car x = new Car();
1 error

Notice that the methods marked abstract end in a semicolon rather than curly braces.

Look for questions with a method declaration that ends with a semicolon, rather than curly braces. If the method is in a class—as opposed to an interface—then both the method and the class must be marked abstract. You might get a question that asks how you could fix a code sample that includes a method ending in a semicolon, but without an abstract modifier on the class or method. In that case, you could either mark the method and class abstract, or change the semicolon to code (like a curly brace pair). Remember, if you change a method from abstract to nonabstract, don't forget to change the semicolon at the end of the method declaration into a curly brace pair!

We'll look at abstract methods in more detail later in this objective, but always remember that if even a single method is abstract, the whole class must be declared abstract. One abstract method spoils the whole bunch. You can, however, put nonabstract methods in an abstract class. For example, you might have methods with implementations that shouldn't change from Car type to Car type, such as getColor() or setPrice(). By putting nonabstract methods in an abstract class, you give all concrete subclasses (concrete just means not abstract) inherited method implementations. The good news there is that concrete subclasses get to inherit functionality, and need to implement only the methods that define subclassspecific behavior.

(By the way, if you think we misused raison d'ĂȘtre earlier, don't send an e-mail. We'd like to see you work it into a programmer certification book.)

Coding with abstract class types (including interfaces, discussed later in this chapter) lets you take advantage of polymorphism, and gives you the greatest degree of flexibility and extensibility. You'll learn more about polymorphism in Chapter 2.

You can't mark a class as both abstract and final. They have nearly opposite meanings. An abstract class must be subclassed, whereas a final class must not be subclassed. If you see this combination of abstract and final modifiers, used for a class or method declaration, the code will not compile.

Creating an Abstract Superclass and Concrete Subclass

The following exercise will test your knowledge of public, default, final, and abstract classes. Create an abstract superclass named Fruit and a concrete subclass named Apple. The superclass should belong to a package called food and the subclass can belong to the default package (meaning it isn't put into a package explicitly). Make the superclass public and give the subclass default access.

1. Create the superclass as follows:

package food;
public abstract class Fruit{ /* any code you want */}

2. Create the subclass in a separate file as follows:

import food.Fruit;
class Apple extends Fruit{ /* any code you want */}

3. Create a directory called food off the directory in your class path setting.

4. Attempt to compile the two files. If you want to use the Apple class, make sure you place the Fruit.class file in the food subdirectory.

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